110-A Perimeter Park Rd
Knoxville, TN 37922
(Non-Medication Services)
Psychiatry/Medication services now at Knoxville Family Psychiatry
Real Connection Men's Group
The Real Connection Men’s Group will have meet on Monday nights from 5:30 p.m. to 6:50 p.m., starting on September 12, 2022. Real Connection is designed to explore issues of impulsivity and/or addictive patterns with pornography and sex—to develop awareness, understanding, healthier interpersonal relating, and better coping skills surrounding issues of sexuality and romantic relationships. Addressing the concerns of pornography, compulsive behavior, and sexual addiction from a faith-based perspective in a safe environment.
Professional facilitators
Group discussion
Personal reflection
Develop plans for lasting change
Limited to 8 men
$45 weekly (Committed for at least 12 sessions)
Monday Nights 5:30 - 6:50 p.m.
Haven Counseling Center - 305 Westfield Rd.
Facilitators: Jarrod Justice LMFT, Matt Schenueman LPC-MHSP
Downloadable Flyer for the Real Connection Groups can be found here.
Interested in Joining the Group?
You can set up an interview/on-boarding session appointment by reaching out to Jarrod Justice. You can contact JarrodJ@havencounselors.com with questions.